Publish-subscribe Pattern

While building Hack Reactor: The Game, we often run into the situation where Angular controllers need to communicate with each other. For example, when a game starts, it generates a set of puzzles and the manual required to solve them.

Hack Reactor Game Manual

Since the game screen and the manual are located in different Angular views, we need a way for the game controller to tell the manual controller that the manual is ready to be loaded. A good way to accomplish this is using the Publish-subscribe (Pub/Sub) pattern.


To keep things organized, we've put all the Pub/Sub functions in an Angular service factory:

angular.module('app.comm', [])

.factory('requestNotification', ['$rootScope',
  function($rootScope) {
    // private notification messages
    var _LOAD_MANUAL_ = '_LOAD_MANUAL_';

    // publish load manual notification
    var loadManual = function(manual) {
      $rootScope.$broadcast(_LOAD_MANUAL_, manual);

    // subscribe to load manual notification
    var onLoadManual = function($scope, handler) {
      $scope.$on(_LOAD_MANUAL_, function(event, manual) {

    return {
      loadManual: loadManual,
      onLoadManual: onLoadManual

When our game controller generates the manual, it will call the loadManual function, which publishes/broadcasts the _LOAD_MANUAL_ event along with the manual content in $rootScope for any controller that is actively listening for the event:

angular.module('', [])

.controller('GameController', [$scope', 'requestNotification',
  function($scope, requestNotification, Puzzle) {
    // Puzzle service generates a set of puzzles
    // with the associated manual
    var puzzles = Puzzle.generatePuzzles();

    // publish the loadManual event

Any controller that needs to listen for the event has to subscribe to it by calling the onLoadManual function. When the event is triggered, the specified code in the Pub/Sub service will run. In this case, the onLoadManualhandler callback function will be called with the manual content passed in:

angular.module('app.manual', [])

.controller('ManualController', [$scope', 'requestNotification',
  function($scope, requestNotification) {
    var onLoadManualHandler = function(manual) {
      // store the manual in the scope of this controller
      $scope.manual = manual;

    // subscribe to loadManual event
    requestNotification.onLoadManual($scope, onLoadManualHandler);

With the manual content loaded in ManualController, the manual content can now be properly displayed in the Angular view.

Written on October 24, 2015